About us
Ernesto, Gladys and Juan manage the houses of the Lange family. All matters concerning the renting and maintenance of the houses will be done by us. We also take care of your stay personally, so that you can enjoy relaxing holidays in La Tuna. In our professional life we are all busy with the body in different ways. Ernesto as physiotherapist, Gladys as a gym teacher and Juan as a dancing teacher.
Back in the 70s our parents already spent the hottest days of the year on the beach in La Tuna. Ernesto, Gladys and Juan spent there summer holidays here for about 30 years. As this beautiful plot, directly on La Tuna creek, was offered for sale, Ernesto took the initiative and the houses were bought and subsequently restored. Today we can share these homes with our families and friends and offer them to visitors when they are free.
Furthermore, Ernesto and Juan keep an old dream alive, that they had since childhood: To build the nest of the potter bird for people. This project will be realized in the next few years and we will report on the progress of the work here. The property is already existing.
Ernesto, Gladys and Juan wish you a pleasant stay.
F o r y o u r b o o k i n g i n q u i r y p l e a s e f o l l o w t h i s l i n k:
El Quincho , Cabaña or Casa Tejas.
F o r a n y o t h e r q u e s t i o n , please u s e t h e c o n t a c t f o r m b e l o w .